Friday, April 17, 2009

H2S in Crude Oil

Petroleum products, if they are taken from land locked areas, have high concentrations of h2s in the crude oil. Our h2s detection instrumentation is utilized to determine the concentration of h2s in the gas stream. Removal of the h2s from the fuels that we use every day is then possible. Our Jerome® 631 Hydrogen Sulfide Analyzer is often used to deal with this issue.

Our Vapor Pro® Fx (Karl Fischer alternative) Moisture in Oils Analyzer is used to test for a moisture specific reading in petroleum as well. Please contact Doug Elliott with questions regarding this GREEN instrument. No chemical reagents or glassware!

Please contact me with questions today!
Brad Hays
National Account Representative
Jerome® Division
800.390.1414 x1672 • 602.281.1672

Doug Elliott
National Account Representative
Computrac® Division
800.290.1414 x1725 • 602.281.1725

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