Thursday, April 9, 2009

Jerome® J405 Mercury Vapor Analyzer

Applications for the Jerome® Mercury Vapor Analyzer:

Mercury Spill Response & Cleanup
Mercury Exclusion Testing
Facility Monitoring
Source Surveys
Hazardous Waste Sites
Fluorescent Lamps Disposal & Recycling
Worker Safety
Landfill Monitoring
Exhaust Duct Monitoring
Plant Environment Monitoring: light bulbs, mercury switches equipment
Fish (Heated)

Additional Features:

Detection limit down to 0.5 μg/m3
Meets EPA & ATSDR cleanup levels
Longer sensor life
Battery powered sensor regeneration
On-board data logging (20,000 data points) (Upgraded Model)
Auto time/date stamp (Upgraded Model)
USB data output (Upgraded Model)
SCADA interface capabilities via 4-20ma

Please call us with any questions!

800.390.1414 • 602.470.1414

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